Tests and Procedures

Epilepsy surgery

What you can expect

Before the procedure

To avoid infection, your hair will need to be clipped short or shaved over the section of your skull that will be removed during the operation. You will have a small, flexible tube placed within a vein (intravenous access) to deliver fluids, anesthetic drugs or other medications during the surgery.

During the procedure

Your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels will be monitored throughout the surgery. An EEG monitor also may be recording your brain waves during the operation to better localize the part of your brain where your seizures start.

Epilepsy surgery is usually performed during general anesthesia, and you'll be unconscious during the procedure. In rare circumstances, your surgeon may awaken you during part of the operation to help the team determine which parts of your brain control language and movement. In such cases, you would receive medication to control pain.

The surgeon creates a relatively small window in the skull, depending on the type of surgery. After surgery the window of bone is replaced and fastened to the remaining skull for healing.

After the procedure

You'll be in a special recovery area to be monitored carefully as you awaken after the anesthesia. You may need to spend the first night after surgery in an intensive care unit. The total hospital stay for most epilepsy surgeries is usually about three or four days.

When you awaken, your head will be swollen and painful. Most people need narcotics for the pain for at least the first few days. An ice pack on your head also may help. Most postoperative swelling and pain resolve within several weeks.

You'll probably not be able to return to work or school for approximately one to three months. You should rest and relax the first few weeks after epilepsy surgery and then gradually increase your activity level.

It's unlikely that you would need intensive rehabilitation as long as the surgery was completed without complications such as a stroke or loss of speech.